In Person Level 3
6:30 PM18:30

In Person Level 3

Thursday April 10th & May 22nd 6:30 - 8:15PM - $30

If you are a consistent level 2 student or above, this class will challenge you to go further, and to deepen your understanding of yoga asana and it's relationship to the other limbs of yoga. Contact me if you would like to attend unless we have already spoken and I'm expecting you.

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Pop Up Level 2 Class In Person AND Online
6:30 PM18:30

Pop Up Level 2 Class In Person AND Online

Monday Pop Up Lev 2 - May 12th from 6:30 - 8 PM $28 In person or $22 Online

This class is appropriate for those with 6 months or more of consistent yoga practice. It is helpful to have prior Iyengar yoga experience, but not necessary if you have foundational knowledge of yoga asana in other styles. This class sometimes includes more complex poses from all categories, including backbends and inversions. Please click HERE to register for in person, or HERE for zoom link.

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All Level End of Year Practice for Peace
6:30 PM18:30

All Level End of Year Practice for Peace

Thursday, December 19th 6:30 - 8 PM Free

This free all level offering will be both in person and online. It will include a gentle asana practice, breathing, meditation, intention setting, and an offering of Peace for the world.
Pre-registration is required for in person attendance. Sign up for in person attendance HERE! The zoom link for online attendance is HERE. Email me with any questions.

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Basic Level Pranayama Class
6:15 PM18:15

Basic Level Pranayama Class

In Person Only

Friday June 7th, 6:15 - 7:15PM - $25 or what you can afford!

Pranayama is the practice of specific deliberate breathing patterns.  These practices have many health benefits.  They can restore and expand lung capacity, regulate nervous system states and strengthen the healthy functioning of the parasympathetic and autonomic nervous system, as well as many other health benefits.  This practice can bring us deep connection to our innermost being and increase peace in our minds, health in our bodies, and balance in our lives. Sign up HERE.

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Yoga Haven Open House and Grand Opening Weekend
to May 12

Yoga Haven Open House and Grand Opening Weekend

Our beloved Yoga Haven is FINALLY re-emerging in a beautiful new home, carefully created to support and cultivate yoga practice and yoga community and connection. Classes will begin on April 29th! There will be a Grand Opening Weekend/Open House and ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday May 11th from 5 - 7PM. Morning classes will be free that whole weekend, preregistration required. For all info and to sign up for classes go HERE! Please join us in celebration, and on this new, yet deeply familiar and old journey.

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Spring Daylong Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Spring Daylong Retreat

Sunday, May 5th 10AM - 4PM $120

This workshop will include an active asana practice in the morning, a philosophy discussion over a light vegetarian lunch, and a restorative practice, including breathing and meditation to end the day. This will be for level 1/2 students and up. Pre-registration to attend. There is a very limited # of spots so sign up asap HERE!

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Yoga Philosophy 101  (No previous experience necessary)
6:30 PM18:30

Yoga Philosophy 101 (No previous experience necessary)

Tues Feb 13th, 6:30 - 8:15PM - In person $22 or what you can afford.

This will be an open discussion about the nature of the mind and consciousness from the perspective of classical yoga. We will also do some chanting and some meditation. Click HERE to register. Contact me with any questions. All are welcome. No experience necessary.

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Lev 2 and Up Autumn Arm Balance Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Lev 2 and Up Autumn Arm Balance Workshop

Lev 2 and Up Arm Balance Workshop Sunday Oct. 22nd 10 - 12:30PM

Whether you are a novice or experienced in making your hands/arms the foundation of support for your body, this will be a fun and invigorating way to celebrate the true start of Autumn.  It's good to do vigorous practice when there is a chill in the air.  Join me!  Sign up HERE.

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Krishna Das Workshop at Garrison Institute
to Apr 17

Krishna Das Workshop at Garrison Institute

Friday, April 14th - Monday April 17th

There are different paths of yoga practice, all of which are meant to lead us toward the innate wisdom of our Heart, or true Self. If you have never experienced deeply the practice of Bhakti Yoga, or the beautiful intelligence and loving presence of Krishna Das, this is a wonderful opportunity. He and his wonderful friends, Nina Rao and his amazing band will share a full and deep practice at this retreat. Betsy Kase and I will be there teaching yoga asana classes for the retreat. We would love for you to join us in this experience of coming together for healing, laughter, and deeper practice. Garrison is a spiritual retreat center located right on the Hudson River, there are great vegetarian meals, and beautiful walks. This might be a good way to come out of hybernation from the pandemic and connect with your deep Self and with others in spiritual retreat mode. You can attend the full residential retreat or choose a commuter option. For more Information and registration click HERE.

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Level 2 Back Bend Workshop
6:15 PM18:15

Level 2 Back Bend Workshop

Thursday Feb 9th, 6:15 - 8:15PM $45

Back bends are invigorating and uplifting, an antidote to dullness and depression. They can warm us deeply from the inside out in the cold months of winter. Come explore and learn safe and skillful ways to understand, move into and deepen your back bending practice. Sign up HERE.

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Free In Person and Online End of Year Community Practice for Peace
6:30 PM18:30

Free In Person and Online End of Year Community Practice for Peace

Save the date! Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 6:30 - 7:45PM

Gather with me live on zoom to focus on the principle of cultivating peace and calm within our selves and to support the spread of peace in the world. This all level class will include some gentle physical practice, breathing, philosophical and spiritual reflection, and some meditation practice. Let’s make it a shared offering for Peace! Register HERE.

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Hatha Yoga - Discussion and Practice
6:15 PM18:15

Hatha Yoga - Discussion and Practice

Thursday November 17th 6:15 - 8:15PM $50 or what you can afford Level 1/2 - Must have 6 months or more of yoga practice.

Please join me for an exploration of the theory and practices of Hatha Yoga. We will begin with an explanation and discussion of the history, philosophy, and subtle science of the “energy body”, and how this method is a path toward self understanding and realization. We will then do a practice of asana, pranayama, mantra, and dhyana (posture, breathing, chanting, and meditation). Register HERE!

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Stress Management 101 - 4 week course - Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos -          Taught by Dr. Kim Grocher and Jill Ganassi
to Nov 27

Stress Management 101 - 4 week course - Finding Calm in the Midst of Chaos - Taught by Dr. Kim Grocher and Jill Ganassi

4 Consecutive Sundays from Nov 6th - Nov 27th, 10 - 11:30AM, In Person (virtual as backup) Cost: $240 Contact us if you need a sliding scale rate.

This support group is for those who want to learn how to maintain mental, emotional, and physical stability through the holiday season, and throughout the year, and to share this work with others to connect and build community. These sessions will be interactive with a chance to share and discuss experiences while learning and practicing mind-body tools for cultivating a calm state. This work is intended to help us cope with the chaos and stress of day to day life, and the particular challenges of our times. There will be education, discussion, and practice. Limited to 8 people, so sign up soon to hold your spot. Sign up HERE! Check out Kim’s BIO!

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In Person Level 3
6:15 PM18:15

In Person Level 3

Thursday Oct 13th, 6:15 - 8PM - $30 or what you can afford.

Pre-registration required and you must be fully vaccinated or have active antibodies to attend. Although class is limited to 10 people, the studio is small and we will not be 6 feet apart. Masks are not required. Please take these factors into consideration when deciding to attend. If you are a consistent level 2 student or above, this class will challenge you to go further, and to deepen your understanding of yoga asana and it's relationship to the other limbs of yoga. Contact me if you would like to attend unless we have already spoken and I'm expecting you.

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In Person Lev 1
9:30 AM09:30

In Person Lev 1

  • Steffi Nossen School of Dance (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tues Aug 16th - 9:30 - 10:45AM $25

Haven Yoga In Person Pop Up Classes This Summer - Betsy Kase is proud to launch a partnership with Steffi Nossen School of Dance. In search of a new home after Covid, Haven and Steffi saw a natural collaboration in joining their communities through the universal language of movement. We are excited about our new home, to move our bodies and to practice in-person, together. As we build this community together, we bring together all mindful movers, yoga practitioners and dancers alike. There will be pop up classes there over the summer (I will teach on 8/16), and then a more regular schedule beginning in the Fall. Click HERE for the schedule, and description, to register, and other info. If you have any questions or confusions please feel free to contact me.

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In Person Level 2 Class
to Jun 28

In Person Level 2 Class

EVERY Tues in June 4:15 - 5:45PM $25

This class is appropriate for those with 6 months of experience or more. This class will include the prep for and practice of inversions. Pre-registration, and proof of covid vaccination with in the last 6 months required. It is a small space so we will not be socially distanced, masks optional. Limited # of spaces available so sign up soon to save your spot. Let me know if cost is prohibitive! Please click HERE to register.

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Headstand & Shoulderstand, King and Queen of All Asana
10:00 AM10:00

Headstand & Shoulderstand, King and Queen of All Asana

Saturday May 14th 10AM - 12PM $45 or what you can afford.

This workshop is for seasoned level 1 students (6 or more months of practice) and up. These 2 inversions are considered to be the king and queen, or the father and mother of all asana because of their profound benefits to strengthen, adjust, and calm the whole person, all parts. We will focus on slowly and methodically learning and developing the skillful actions required to safely perform these 2 beautiful poses. Even if you are not able to get into these poses you will benefit from the practice as a whole. Click HERE to register or with questions.

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On Line Special Focus Lev 2 class
4:30 PM16:30

On Line Special Focus Lev 2 class

Tuesday December 7th 4:30 - 6pm $25.

This class is appropriate for those with 6 months of consistent yoga practice. It is helpful to have prior Iyengar yoga experience, but not necessary if you have foundational knowledge of yoga asana in other styles. Level 2 classes sometimes include more complex standing poses, backbends, and inversions. On 12/7 we will focus on back bends. Pre-registration required. Click here to register.

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Intro to the philosophy, science, and practices of Hatha Yoga
7:00 PM19:00

Intro to the philosophy, science, and practices of Hatha Yoga

Thursday June 10th, 7 - 8:30PM $20 or what you can afford.

Hatha Yoga is one of many paths of yoga. It is the path most popularized in the west but, often, (not always), watered down or misunderstood by mainstream western yoga culture and practitioners. If you are a lover of yoga, or just beginning an interest, this will be an engaging and illuminating lecture on, and discussion of the practices and principals of Hatha Yoga, and what makes it different and unique from other paths, and what it shares with other paths. Even if you have learned this material previously, repetition is good, and there is always something new to glean. Contact me with questions, to register, or send payment with note to paypal or zelle using my phone or email.

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Stress Management 101 - Bite Sized Basics
10:00 AM10:00

Stress Management 101 - Bite Sized Basics

Sunday 12/27, 10 - 11:15AM Suggested Donation $20 or what you can afford.

Join myself and Kimberly Grocher for an educational and experiential stress management class. We will briefly define stress and it’s effects and do some short practices that can reduce, and over time prevent stress. There will be time for some questions and answers at the end. It’s a small bite, and a big step to begin or continue on the Path of release from tension and dis-ease. To register go to

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Yoga Philosophy 101 continued - (You can definitely attend if you have not joined previously.)
7:00 PM19:00

Yoga Philosophy 101 continued - (You can definitely attend if you have not joined previously.)

Tuesday Oct 27th, 7 - 8:30PM - Zoom $20

In this class we will continue to focus on the main text of classical yoga philosophy - The Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali. We will focus on the portion on practice, in particular the 1st limb of the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is the yoga of controlling the mind, to gradually but inevitably reach a state of peace by identifying with the true Self. We will very briefly review the content of the last session and then focus on the yamas, the first “limb” or step of practice which are 5 ethical principles of how to live in the world. If you have a copy of the Sutras please have it with you, but it is not necessary to benefit from the session. Email ME if you want a recommendation for a translation/commentary. All are welcome. It is not necessary to have attended previous sessions or have any prior experience. To register send $20 or what you can afford through Zelle using my cell #. Contact me if you have questions.

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Stress Management - Guided Relaxation/Meditation Live On Zoom
9:15 AM09:15

Stress Management - Guided Relaxation/Meditation Live On Zoom

Friday June 12th, 9:15 - 10AM, $15 or what you can afford.

Start your day and end your week with a calm and stable state of mind and relaxed nervous system. I will lead you in a guided relaxation, breathing exercises, and meditation. Good to do alone or with your family or colleagues. Please pass on if you know someone who would benefit. No experience necessary. Email me if you wish to attend.

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Giving Context to Contemporary Yoga Practice - Live on Zoom
7:00 PM19:00

Giving Context to Contemporary Yoga Practice - Live on Zoom

Monday May 4th - 7:00 - 8:30PM

What are we actually doing in yoga classes in America? What is the actual history and philosophy that is the context of this practice that is now becoming more and more an integral part of western culture. It is no longer a fad but a well respected means to physical and mental health and fitness. This is wonderful, but the consequence has been a watering down of the tradition. Most people practicing yoga don’t really have an understanding of what yoga really is, and what it’s history and philosophy is. This workshop is meant to fill in some of the blanks, and then give an open forum for any questions about the subject. You will come away with a great deal of added understanding! Register here.

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Day Long Silent Yoga/Meditation Retreat - Postponed
1:00 PM13:00

Day Long Silent Yoga/Meditation Retreat - Postponed

Sunday April 19th - 1 PM - 6 PM- POSTPONED

This 5 hour silent retreat will give us the opportunity to encounter ourselves when we minimize distraction and the ongoing incessant noise and chatter of the world, family, technology, media, and of course the voices in our own heads. There won’t be any magic tools to force your own mind to be silent, but we will practice being non-judgmentally aware of the insanity that is the inside of most of our minds. It will be a very supported and thoughtful experience, including some movement, breathing, mindful eating in silence, journalling and meditation practice. More details and pricing and timing to come. Save the date!

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Yoga for Depression
1:00 PM13:00

Yoga for Depression

Join me for lecture and discussion about the yogic perspective on the psychology of depression, the causes and conditions, and the potential means to relief. The workshop will also include asana, pranayama, and meditation practices that can help to specifically prevent and/or address mild to moderate depression. Hand out materials will be provided. Open to everyone!

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